Tuesday, April 08, 2014

The end of XP

A lot of people that 'grew-up' with the internet, fondly remember Windows XP, it was a stable, reliable and user friendly operating system.

It welcomed in an age of change, from a time a good number of people didn't have internet access, right into the dawn of high-speed cable internet, XP saw it through.

Windows XP

However the end has come about for this weary war-horse. Now more than ever the world needs an operating system which fulfils the users requirements rather than imposing 'features' onto consumers which then only come to loath or work-around those 'features'

There are visionaries in computing, some have passed their prime, others go from strength to strength, and sometimes even now, far down the road a newcomer can arrive which shows real promise...

For me... that newcomer is ReactOS

The king is dead...

Long live ReactOS!

Learn more about this potential heir to the crown here: http://www.reactos.org/

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